Finding a job can be nerve-wracking, exciting, frustrating, exhausting, and even anxiety-inducing. Unfortunately, we’re not here to tell you it’s an easy feat to land a job you love. However, there are ways to make the job search easier (and …
Creating a LinkedIn profile can feel stressful enough — how much experience do you add? Do you write descriptions of what you did? Who do you connect with? Should you start making inspirational posts with emojis for emphasis? Yet LinkedIn …
Career fairs provide employees with a valuable chance of marketing themselves to potential employers, who might end up changing the tangents of their entire professional careers.
Instead of spending days unsuccessfully filling out application forms online, attending a job fair …
Career fairs allow you to meet multiple recruiters at once. The key to being successful at one is knowing what you want in a job and introducing yourself in a professional way. You may stand out by genuinely approaching recruiters …
All the advice you need to succeed before, during, and after your career fair.
Career fairs offer many opportunities to advance your career search. It’s a chance to practice your networking skills and get comfortable having professional conversations. Career fairs …
Your guide to preparing for virtual career fairs and making a great impression with recruiters.
Attending a virtual career fair on Handshake will give you an edge in landing that next job or internship. Employers who attend the fair want …