Sun Devil Shadow

Sun Devil Shadow

Participating in job shadowing is a great way for students to learn more about an industry or job of interest, network with professionals, and get introductory experience of what the day-to-day looks like at a specific job. Job shadowing is unpaid and not for credit.

Job Shadow Activities

Each organization will have a different agenda for the day of job shadowing, but some examples of what could happen during your job shadowing experience are:

  • Employee panels/Q&A
  • Tour of job site/office/facility
  • Organizational overview/history/mission
  • Meeting the professional/team of professionals you will be shadowing
  • Attend meetings or other events
  • Shadow daily tasks – asking questions to better understand thought processes and workflows
  • Network during lunch with other professionals in the organization

How to Register

Follow the steps below to register for job shadowing experiences:

  1. Ensure you have an updated Handshake profile
  2. Go to the ‘Events’ tab on the left side of the screen
  3. Click on the ‘More filters’ drop-down menu
  4. Under the ‘Labels’ tab, search ‘job shadow
    • Ensure ‘job shadow’ is lowercase
  5. Click on the job shadow experience you are interested in and hit the register button.
  6. Complete the attached survey with pre-work for the job shadow experience.

Once you have registered and been sent the confirmation email, you have 3 business days to confirm your registration or your spot will be given to another student.

Upcoming Job Shadows

Office Hours